Thursday, May 5, 2016

So... what does a metadata librarian do?

This is a question that has come across my mind several times as I worked my way through the semester. What does a metadata librarian do, and is this something I would be interested in? After quite a bit of research, I discovered how fascinating this career path could actually be. According to one blog, "One interesting thing about being a metadata librarian: while we are all doing similar things, we approach metadata work and problems differently: different systems, tools, schemas and schema combinations, workflows, etc. There's nothing monolithic about metadata librarianship!"

While the skills and knowledge cited as necessary varies widely throughout the literature, the common themes are technology and knowledge of current and emerging standards. Also appearing frequently in the literature is the need for LIS graduate programs to catch up to evolving demands for skilled metadata specialists and better prepare students for the work they will face upon entering the field.


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